Tomatoes Oreganata

Submitted by Barbara Williams of Concord, MA, who gets her tomatoes at Scimome’s farm stand on the road to Bedford, Brigham Farm on 117 near Nine Acre Corner, and Verrill Farm in Concord.

When I was a teen, the girl next door had her engagement party in the back yard.  She was engaged to an Italian fellow and his mother brought these tomatoes to the festive dinner.  They were an instant hit - I don't think any of us had ever tasted oregano before!  This recipe is my summer staple - sometimes we have these and fresh corn only for our dinner!  Sometimes simple is the best.

Slice beefsteak or other full-bodied tomatoes.  Arrange on a plate and coat each slice lightly with a good olive oil of your choice.  Season with ground salt and pepper and oregano or Italian seasoning.  Top each slice with very thin slices of red onion.  Make several hours ahead and keep at room temperature so the flavors can meld.

Roasted Tomatoes

Submitted by Ian St. Germain, Culinary Demonstration Specialist at Whole Foods Market in Jamaica Plain. He gets is tomatoes at the JP Farmers Market and Whole Foods, and gets his copy of Edible Boston at City Feed and Supply.

These are great as a garnish to almost any blended soup (asparagus, garlic, white bean and rosemary), and they’re fantastic in sandwiches, salads, or as a garnish to main courses like a nice steak.

2 or 3 cartons of grape tomatoes

2 – 10 garlic cloves, depending on your affinity for garlic

Olive oil

Smoked sea salt

Fresh ground pepper

Crushed red pepper


Dried onion

Preheat oven to 350°.

Slice the grape tomatoes in half and put in a bowl.

Rough cut the garlic (big chunks, little chunks, dice, a bit of it all) and add to the tomatoes. Pour a few tablespoons of olive oil over the mixture, enough to coat, and mix together. Season to taste with smoked salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper, and rosemary. Spread on a cookie sheet, preferably with a Silpat or parchment paper.

Roast for 2 – 3 hours, stirring occasionally until cooked to the desired darkness.

Remove and let cool.

Recipes, FallEdible Boston